Golden Record news and insights on data matching

We share the latest updates on Golden Record, including new features and ongoing improvements as well as discuss current topics in data matching, linking, deduplication, and syncing.

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What is a golden record, and why is it helpful to museums and cultural institutions?

In our last blog post, well over a year ago (blush), we shared that we were hard at work at producing a true golden record. As promised our latest release of Golden Record, which was out this spring, does just that: it collects and matches your patron data from all source systems and generates a single golden record for each individual. 

New Golden Record features now available

We have a robust list of features planned for the year ahead. Here are some of the latest updates to Golden Record, and a preview what’s on the way.

All we want to do is have some fun: first name synonym matching is here!

Our focus over the past few months has been upgrading Golden Record with several high-demand features that are supported by derived columns functionality. So far we’ve launched Soundex and string manipulation, as well as user interface upgrades to better support derived columns….

Updates to Golden Record: New Features on the Way

Golden Record made steady progress in February and we’re on the cusp of some huge improvements to our capabilities. Check it out!

Golden Record Enhancements

Golden Record enhancements implemented in January of 2021

Golden Record Enhancements List

Here are some of the enhancements we made to Golden Record in December of 2020. Check in every month as we continue to upgrade!

Golden Record Enhancements List

Enhancements to our cloud-based Golden Record data matching and linking service.

Why Data Matching is Critical to Data Warehousing Success

You need to merge your Schmutznicks: Matching is important to data warehousing when your data comes from multiple, unintegrated sources.

Dataspace at A2 New Tech: Part II

We presented Golden Record, our cloud-hosted record matching technology at this month’s A2 New Tech meeting. Here’s a link!

GOLDEN RECORD – Virtual Presentation at A2 New Tech 10/20!

Join us for our presentation on GOLDEN RECORD at the October Ann Arbor New Tech Meetup!


Much like an actual cloud that can look like whatever you imagine it to be, this virtual cloud is amorphous in its own right, and ever changing.

Fortunately for those who want to leverage cloud computing to improve their data sharing, storage, and analytics capabilities it is less important to understand what “The Cloud” looks like than what it does. In this issue of our newsletter, we dive into some of the silver linings of cloud computing and its applications.

Email address is a really bad key!

At its heart, record matching is about uniqueness. We need to find what makes a record unique and then identify all the other records, in that data set and others, that share the properties that make it unique.

Data Lake: Why record matching is critical to success

Today’s data lakes are like yesterday’s operational data stores (ODSs): Everyone has one and everyone means something different when they use the term. In my experience, a data lake is a place where analysts and data scientists can store and analyze data…

What’s the Difference Between Matching & Persistent MDM?

The market offers matching solutions and the market offers MDM solutions. So, what’s the difference between matching and master data management?

Is it a Match or a Duplicate?

When trying to match similar records across data sets you’ll run into two similar, but different, concepts: matching and deduplication…

Data Privacy Compliance: Find people to keep them private

Today, the world is undergoing a massive event: the implementation of data privacy laws…