CRM Migration with Golden Record

Make the migration to your new nonprofit CRM as successful as possible.  

Is your institution considering switching CRMs? Whether you’re looking to migrate to a new CRM or implement one for the first time, the process can be arduous. There are so many options: some designed specifically for cultural institutions, others geared towards general nonprofits, and a majority built with business in mind. It can easily take more than a year to compare CRM features, choose a system, obtain approval and budget, and plan for migration. With all that goes into choosing a CRM for your museum, it’s imperative that your system is ready to go with clean, complete, and accurate data from the start. 

Golden Record provides a unique offering of software and services to help your institution better leverage your data. Although Golden Record is not a CRM, we can work with any CRM available to improve your ability to make full use of its features.

Golden Record ensures your new CRM is set up for success.

While the switch to a new CRM may be necessary, migration is not without its challenges. The biggest risk to any organization is data loss and corruption. Whether your institution already has a customer relationship management system, or you’re implementing one for the first time, a CRM is only as good as the data within it. If you already have duplicates, errors, or missing information within your constituent records, no CRM can fix that on its own. 

The good news is, the perfect opportunity to address data quality issues is during a CRM migration. It doesn’t matter which CRM your museum chooses, any system can be primed for a successful launch by ensuring the data you import is complete and of the highest quality. This is where Golden Record makes all the difference: we offer a combination of proprietary software and consulting services to integrate, match, and dedupe your data, before bringing it into your new CRM. 

If your institution is migrating from one CRM to another, we will help you:

  1. Export data from your old CRM into our cloud-based data hub.
  2. Integrate that data with data from your other systems, such as membership, ticketing, donations, point-of-sale, and more. We can even work with data stored in spreadsheets and data from outside sources, like demographics.
  3. Match, clean, and deduplicate all of your data to create a comprehensive golden record for each constituent
  4. Import the golden records from the data hub into your new CRM, to ensure it is populated with accurate information.

If your museum is implementing a CRM for the first time, we can help you identify and export data from your existing systems into the new CRM, cleaning and matching it in the process. 

Golden Record allows you to make better use of your CRM’s features.

To be able to use your new CRM to the fullest, it needs to capture all of your knowledge about your constituents—knowledge that is stored in all those different systems, across your organization. But CRMs aren’t typically designed to collect and integrate data from other systems in robust ways. You may have access to built-in connectors for other popular products, but what about all the lesser-known systems so common to cultural institutions? 

Golden Record serves as that connector, integrating with any system to keep all of your constituent data up-to-date and synchronized. Data can be automatically pulled into the Golden Record data hub at regular intervals, where it is cleaned and matched. Golden records are updated and then exported back to the source systems, including your CRM. All of your systems, and all of your people, will be working with the same, up-to-date data. 

Golden Record can help you get more from your current CRM, without migrating to a new one. 

Even if your nonprofit institution has no plans for a new CRM, Golden Record can help you to get more from the one you have. Using the same process described above, we simply integrate the clean data back into your existing CRM and keep it synched with all your systems. Once you’ve solved the data quality problem, you can make better use of all your CRM’s features.

Many cultural institutions undertake the costly and time-consuming process of switching CRMs without understanding if the new one will truly address their problems. CRMs offer a lot of bells and whistles, but without high-quality data, no CRM will function to its fullest. If you feel like your current CRM is not meeting your needs, it’s worth investigating if the problem actually lies with your data and not the system itself. It’s possible that making the resource-intensive switch to a new CRM may not be necessary at all. 

High-quality data is key to nonprofit CRM success (and so much more).

Whether you’re looking to set up your first CRM, migrate to a new one, or get more out of the system you already have, Golden Record offers invaluable tools to ensure your success. But that’s only scratching the surface. With your data integrated, cleaned, and matched, we can help you add on advanced analytics capabilities that allow you to 

  • build 360° views of your constituents,
  • create and monitor cohorts, and
  • track detailed engagement metrics.

Armed with these insights, your institution can make better decisions about campaigns and programming, as well as clearly show the effectiveness of those efforts at advancing your institutional mission. 

Learn more about Golden Record

Ready to learn how Golden Record’s combination of software and services can help your institution get more from your CRM? Contact us to set up a time to talk. We are seeking partner organizations for potential pilot projects. Your upcoming CRM migration could be a perfect fit. 

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