Golden Record – Virtual Presentation at A2 New Tech 10/20!

Mark your calendars! Dataspace (specifically, Ben) will be making a presentation about Golden Record at the A2 New Tech Meetup next Tuesday, October 20th at 6:30pm Eastern.

Ann Arbor New Tech is one one of the longest running, largest attendance, tech startup events in the area. Each month, four local startups have the chance to do a brief presentation on their products and services, followed by Q&A.

This session, we will be among them! Dataspace is slated for the second slot of the evening. We are looking forward to sharing the core purpose of Golden Record, how it works, and how it can serve data scientists by saving them the time they would normally spend tying together data from multiple sources.

Your questions and comments – both prior to and at the Meetup – are very much appreciated, as we continue to hone in on the core features and uses that could make Golden Record the most useful tool possible.

The link here will take you to the registration site for the (free) Meetup event, and provide some information about the other presentations as well.

We’d love to have you join us!

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