Easy-to-use data integration software

With just a few minutes of setup, you can configure Golden Record to integrate, match, and deduplicate data from any number of sources.

Here’s how it works.

GR dreams of matching data

Image of possible data sources--CRM, email platform, etc

Gather your data

Identify the data sources that you need to match to get answers—databases, files, spreadsheets. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure what to include; you can always add more later.

Image of possible data fields, like name, address, and email

Define your golden set

Tell Golden Record what fields might be used to tie your data together. It’s okay if not every one of those fields occurs in every one of your data sources.

Image of mapping different field names to the golden set

Map your data to the golden set

Tell Golden Record the names of the fields in each data source you are using. Then map each of those fields to the fields in your Golden Set.

Define what fields must match to indicate it's the same person

Set your data matching rules

Define the rules Golden Record should use to determine when the data in your source files matches. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure what rules will give you the best results; we’ll give you some suggestions for what’s worked with similar data in the past. And, you can change them in the future if you need to.

Upload your data sources to Golden Record

Connect your data sources

Upload your data source files via web app, API, or SQL (coming soon!), and let Golden Record do its thing. If things change in the future, you’ll be able to update your data sources or add new ones.

DAta is matched with a unique key

Voila! Your data is matched

Your data is now deduplicated, matched, and synced—and ready to be put to work. The Golden Record software connects all records to a new master key field. All matching records will have the same master key.

Use Golden Record to query your matched data

Query your matched data

Use the same data matching software for queries. Tell Golden Record what you need to know, and it will return the records that match, synced across all your data sources with the master key. You can request your data via our easy-to-use web app, customizable API, or SQL (still coming soon).